Saturday, March 22, 2008

New Songs

Here are 3 songs I am currently working on.

Do You Believe?

Do you believe in the Son of Man?
In the Resurrection and the Life
And who then is it you say I am?
Son of Living God you are the Christ

Have you come out as against a thief?
Whom seek ye whom seek ye I am He
What is it I will do unto thee?
Shall I not drink the cup He gave me?

O fools and slow of heart to believe
Ought not Christ to have suffered of these?
Things to enter into His Glory
To come with Power and Majesty

And do you believe in the Son of Man?
In the Resurrection and the Life
And who then is it you say I am?S
on of Living God you are the Christ

Give Thanks - Psalm 92

Give thanks unto the Lord most High
Sing praises unto His name
Show forth His lovingkindness
Over the day and night

For you O Lord have made me glad
I've triumphed in your hands
How great are your works and thoughts
And all of your mighty plans

For you O Lord are most high forever
My strength will you exalt
The righteous will flourish forever
And be planted in the house of God

Give thanks unto the Lord most High
Sing praises unto His name
Show forth His lovingkindness
Over the day and night

For you O Lord have made me glad
I've triumphed in your hands
How great are your works and thoughts
And all of your mighty plans

God Came From Heaven-Habakkuk 3

God came from Heaven
To show himself Holy
And there was His power
And there was His glory

Covering the earth
Full of His Praise
Yahweh Adonai
My strength always
My strength always

I will sing to the Lord
In the God of creation
I will wait on the Lord
In the God of Salvation

Covering the earth
Full of His Praise
Yahweh Adonai
My strength always
My strength always

Bright as the sun
With rays flashing from hands
I will look unto the Lord
In the God of Salvation

Make me like you
For you are my strength
Let me walk on high places
And play my instrument
And play my instrument

God came from Heaven
To show himself Holy
And there was His power
And there was His glory

Covering the earth
Full of His Praise
Yahweh Adonai
My strength always
My strength always